There are many ways in which you can help to raise funds for North East Help Link. The best ideas are those that allow people to get involved in an enjoyable activity, with the oppurtunity to give as much as they are able, without feeling pressured. The best events are simple and have no setup costs - ensuring that all of the money raised can directly help the clients of NEHL!  

A few suggested events are detailed below.




Most people enjoy a warm drink and a good natter!  Why not provide a place where people can get together over a nice cup of coffee and can catch up on the gossip or see old friends? You can add in home baked cakes or biscuits without it becoming too expensive? Perhaps you can charge extra for waiter or waitress service!




Are you a member of a club or organisation that could turn a regular meeting into some sort of sponsored event. It needn't be complicated - make what is being sponsored simple to understand, so that people sponsoring the event can see how much they may end up paying. It is usually best to give sponsors the ability to make a simple donation rather than an amount per mile, lap, song, or dunking - or whatever else you are being sponsored for!



An ideal oppurtunity to clear out your bulging cupboards and get a bargain at the same time. There is an old saying that one man's rubbish is another's treasure and this is still true today. Of course, you can also have a social chat to everyone else who's there. This type of event can be or small as you like - all you need to provide is somewhere for everyone to meet, and perhaps a few tables to display items on.

Whatever you decide to do - let us know about it! 


Please visit the                        page to inform us about your event.


You could also make a North East Help Link collecting box.