Are you holding an event to raise money for NEHL?
Then why not let us know?
We will promote your event on the web site and in the Newsletter - if you have a really good fundraising idea we may as well let as many people know as possible.
We don't make any charge for advertising - after all - you are helping us to help others!
To let us know of a fundraising event that you intend to hold, please send us an e-mail at this address :-
In your e-mail, please let us know the date, time and venue for the event, as well as a description of what the event is. If you provide a post code for the location we can usually provide an online map to let people know where you are. If you have a poster advertising your event, why not add it as an attachment to your e-mail? If you are willing to, why not take a few photographs on the day and let us know how it went? You never know, you may even appear in print!
NEHL reserve the right to confirm the validity of proposed events prior to publicising them. We also reserve the right not publicise the event if we feel that there is cause not to do so.
Dear NEHL,
just a short note to let you know that we intend to hold a coffee morning, in the Recreation Centre, Farthing Hill on Saturday 5th November. There is no admission charge, and coffee cakes and biscuits will be available at very reasonable prices. I will endeavour to take some photographs at our event and let you know how it went!
Many thanks
Elsie Brogan
ps I have attached our poster for the event