26th June/3rd July 2011

Trustees:         Carl, Sheila,

Volunteers:      Norma, Rebecca, Phil, Tony

Visitors:           Jim, Sonny, Wendy, Richard, David, Janet, Djudusey

Attendance:      26th June          64

                       3rd July             75


Both weeks have seen very busy kitchens with a lot of new faces. The weather on 26th June was fine until the end when the heavens opened and on 3rd July it was gorgeous. The good weather means they drink more so many were well under the influence.


It was good to see Myra back at the kitchen. The last time we saw her she had been beaten up and was in a pretty bad way. She has some medical conditions, which manifest themselves as a mental disability, and as a result was taken by the police to a Middlesbrough mental hospital. Once she had been assessed and the actual problems diagnosed she was released. She is still living on the streets but her wounds are healing well. We were able to give her the clothing that had been kindly given when we made the request after she was attacked.


Paul and Tom the two brothers, who are ex servicemen and were living on the street, have fallen out!. Paul was at the kitchen and said they just needed some space. Tom has a flat in Gateshead now but Paul is still homeless. He has paired up with Duncan, a new face to the kitchen.


Daniel has moved into a new flat and is trying to wean himself off alcohol. He has a support worker who has referred him to NECA who are going to monitor and help him.


“Scottish Mark” first visited the kitchen many years ago and had come back to thank Jim for giving him his shoes, socks and coat. He had been released from prison in winter with no warm clothing. He is still on cider but looked in reasonable health.


Diane, another new visitor, is a middle age woman who looks likes she has some mental issues. She is wary of men yet came along on her own. We think she is on the streets but it was difficult to make sense of some of the things she was saying.


Michael came along to say hello. He is still waiting for his court appearance, he is charged with arson to endanger life. He is still finishing his college course and looking after his flat. His solicitor says that this will be in his favour but he is still expecting a prison sentence.


As always your prayers for the work in general are greatly appreciated.


Sheila Heron