10th July 2011
Trustees: Carl, Sheila,
Volunteers: Norma, Phil, Tony
Visitors: Sonny, Wendy, Richard,
Attendance: 68
It was another busy kitchen with quite a few new faces and a lot of our regulars missing.
Chris (Hokey) is back in his flat after his release from prison and is doing quite well. He is always a good help at the kitchens and very appreciative. He is on a methadone programme now.
“Scottish” Paul came to the kitchen for the first time after his release from prison four weeks ago. He is in the veterans centre for ex-servicemen. He was wary of coming out of prison as he has had alcohol and drug problems in the past and realised they would be an issue on his release. He says he went wild with the alcohol for the first week but has now cut back. He tried to commit suicide a couple of times while in Durham prison as he saw no point in continuing his life. When I spoke to him he said for the first time in many years he was feeling more confident about the future.
Abi is one of our new visitors to the kitchen. He has been given a place at the Salvation Army and sees this as a starting point to getting his own place. He has no addiction problems and we do not know his background but he is a pleasant and eloquent young man.
Greg (our Polish friend) was back this week after a couple of weeks missing and is doing ok. He is still on the streets and sees no likelihood of getting into a hostel or his own accommodation. The main problem is that he had his passport stolen and has no proof of identity.
Jay (or Michael- depending on the day of the week) came to visit the kitchen. He used to be at Holly House and he and Carl were able to have a good catch up. He is in Newcastle now and helping at the people’s kitchen and working on their allotment.
As always your prayers for the work in general are greatly appreciated.
Sheila Heron