16th October 2011
Trustees: Carl, Sheila,
Volunteers: Rebecca, Phil
Visitors: Jim, Sonny, Wendy, Richard
Attendance: 60
81 (Sunday 2nd October)
65 (Sunday 9th October)
The past two weeks had been very busy and we are very appreciative to Jim, Janet, Jan and Rebecca who volunteered to cook the food for the weeks we were away and to transport the tables, boilers etc. It was good to be back.
Despite the high numbers the kitchen was quite quiet this week and many of the regulars were missing.
Robert came along just to say hello and update us on how he was doing. He is doing a youth worker course at college and is managing well in his flat in Felling. It is good to see the turn around in his life and him making progress with very little support.
Peter is really struggling. He has cut his alcohol intake down to 3 litres of alcohol a day! He is living on the streets but has struggled to get sleep with the cold. We were able to give him some bedding. He had broken his wrist about a month ago but as he was under the influence of alcohol and it had started to heal the hospital would not treat him further. His wrist is still swollen and bruised and giving him a lot of pain.
Danielle and Simon have not been for a few months. Danielle is 15 weeks pregnant and has moved back in with her grandparents. Simon is on the streets having lost his place at the Salvation Army. They remain positive even though there is no likelihood of a flat in the near future.
Mark came back to the kitchen this week. He was in a really bad way not even recognising us. He is obviously taking drugs again which are having an adverse effect on the medication he already takes. He has lost a lot of weight and is very confused. He has a flat but we are unsure how he is coping in his present condition.
We had a visit from the police to check we were alright and didn’t need any assistance as there had been trouble at the kitchen run on the Saturday night and they had to be called out. We assured them we were fine and thanked them for their interest.
As always your prayers for the work in general are greatly appreciated.
Sheila Heron