15th July 2012

Trustees:         Sheila

Volunteers:      Wendy, Richard, Rebecca, Philip

Visitors:           Jim


Attendance:     60+



It was good to have Philip back at the kitchen this week after his holidays.


It was a busy kitchen and for the number there it was surprisingly quiet, noise wise. We had a number of new faces who were keen to introduce themselves and find out what else was available for them. During the week Carl and Wendy visited the James Cowen Centre and found out they could offered on-site GP service and bathing facilities. This is in Byker so is a distance for some of our clients to get to but at least it is an option for those who are younger and mobile.


Errol was looking ok, he has gone back to his old sleeping spot and has been looking after a Scottish guy this week. He is considering going back to Scotland with him for a couple of days.


Pam came to the kitchen to tell us that she is settling in well to married life and the social services have now taken her off their records. It is great when we get some good news for a change.


Donald and Kim were proud to announce that they are to be parents. Donald is in Elliott house but Kim is on the streets. They are hoping to get a private flat.


David and Lyndsey are going to look to see if they can get a flat in Gateshead. They are struggling being apart and David is uncomfortable in the Salvation Army hostel.


Jim took Paul to Betel on Monday and we pray that he will settle in there and have a base for turning his life around.


Shaun is not in Durham prison so we are not sure what has happened to him. We hope he has managed to get onto some alcohol rehabilitation programme.


One of my clients gave me a lot of bedding during the week which went down well. When we have had so much rain it has been difficult for them to dry their sleeping bags etc out. We still need small size men’s clothing.



As always your prayers are greatly appreciated.


Sheila Heron