19th August 2012
Trustees: Carl, Sheila, Elizabeth
Volunteers: Rebecca, Philip, Wendy, Richard
Visitors: Philippa, Jim, David
Attendance: 64
God is so good! It had rained heavily all afternoon but stopped as we pulled into Newcastle and started again as we were leaving.
Many of our regulars, who we know are living on the streets, were not at the kitchen probably because they had bedded down and would not want to get wet.
There were a lot of new faces and it is a concern the number of young girls who are on the streets and have been for several weeks. They all have their problems and addictions but the ones at the kitchen last night were in a pretty bad way. We were able to give them some dry clothes but had no sleeping bags left to give them. Jim fortunately had some blankets.
Christian was very appreciative for the crockery we had been given for him. He is settling well into his flat and is hoping to start college in two weeks. He trained as a chef but due to injury will not be able to continue in this occupation but would like to train in some area of food.
Jim had heard from Lee during the week. He went into Betel a couple of weeks ago and is doing well. He was on the point of committing suicide before going to Betel and is feeling much more confident about the future.
Tiny has not been very well lately and is going to hospital to find out some results. Tiny has been coming for a long time and I said I would try and get him a waterproof jacket for next week as the one he has is not waterproof.
Myra and Michael have been helping the last few weeks with the clearing up. It is good to see them taking on responsibility and wanting to help.
We made contact during the week with an agency that helps with ex-servicemen but Paul was not at the kitchen to pass on the details. We have supplies of leaflets on the van for when he or any others attend the kitchen.
We have been asked by the Peoples Kitchen to remove labels from clothing that is donated to prevent them from being sold on. Can we ask that if anyone receives any clothing if they could do this for us before passing it to us?
As always your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Sheila Heron