26th August 2012

Trustees:         Carl, Sheila,

Volunteers:      Rebecca, Philip,

Visitors:           Jim

Attendance:      78



It was a very busy weekend and typical of a bank holiday weekend the majority had been drinking all day.


There had been some trouble with a group before we arrived but they had gone before the kitchen started thankfully.


There were a lot of younger girls at the kitchen again this week and some are a cause for concern as they are on the streets alone.


A lot of those at the kitchen are suffering the effects of addiction with swollen hands and faces. It is sad to see.


Tiny wasn’t at the kitchen this week and we hope that he is not ill, he was going to the doctor during the week. I managed to get Tiny a coat which I well keep till he comes back to the kitchen. David and Lyndsey were also missing and again we hope this is because they have settled into their new hostel.


We had a lot of Polish and Slovakian men at the kitchen this week and this gives us some difficulty with the language, but we manage to work out what they want!


It was great to see Sean come along at the end of the kitchen. He has finished his detox programme and now has a flat and is confident for the future. He knows he has a long way to go as he is still drinking but feels he can get this sorted once he can find things to fill his time. He wants everyone to know that he is grateful for all of our help and our support through prayer. He is going to keep coming along so we can see his progression.


Myra, who has been helping over the past few weeks, had some money stolen out of her back pocket. She challenged the lad who took it but he took off before anyone knew what was happening, he was not a regular.





As always your prayers are greatly appreciated.


Sheila Heron