16th September 2012
Trustees: Sheila, Elizabeth
Volunteers: Philip, Wendy,
Visitors: Jim
Attendance: 85-90
This was an incredibly busy kitchen. There were 71 waiting for us when we arrived and at least a further 15 arrived during the session. I also know these numbers are accurate as I was unable to get dumplings this week so had taken 86 Yorkshire puddings and 200 roast potatoes and we ran out. Fortunately due to the high numbers lately I had made sufficient mince and vegetables.
We are really concerned about the increase in numbers as yet again many of our regulars were missing.
As many of you know Carl works night shifts but can generally go in late to do the kitchen. Unfortunately, he couldn’t have the time this week and so Paul was going to drive vehicle for me. His car however, would not start and so at the last moment Carl managed to get in touch with Wendy who willingly obliged and came over to drive the van.
Phil arrives at the kitchen before us and takes sandwiches and pies which are given our before we get there. This week however, some of the sandwiches were stolen along with a pump and first aid kit from his boot. I said I would not start the kitchen until the person who took the goods owned up. They told us who had done it but he had apparently left the kitchen. If he turns up at the kitchen he will be barred but I doubt we will see him for some time. The first aid box was retrieved but not the foot pump.
Errol was at the kitchen this week. He looked quite well. He had been to Scotland as his sister had died. He is having a lot of trouble with the police and keeps getting moved on from where he sleeps rough. It is so sad to hear him say that he is just waiting to die.
David and Lyndsey are getting on better now that they are in a different hostel.
Tom is meeting up with Paul this week, if he remembers, to try and sort out his situation.
Unfortunately as there were so many at the kitchen and volunteers are few there was very little time for me to get around and talk to people. If these numbers continue to rise or even stay at this level we will need more volunteers.
As always your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Sheila Heron