23rd September 2012
Trustees: Sheila, Elizabeth
Employees: Paul
Volunteers: Philip, Rebecca, Becca
Visitors: Jim
Attendance: 75-85
Again this was an extremely busy kitchen. It was good to have Rebecca back from her honeymoon and her friend Becca (Many of Rebecca’s friends are called the same name so they all answer to a different version of the name). Becca is doing a social care course and wants to join us as a volunteer. Carl will have her complete the appropriate forms.
Paul settled in well to the kitchen and spoke to many of our clients. He is going to follow up two or three this week and try to help them get housing.
Paul will continue to help Tom this week and Tom has agreed for Paul to go with him for medical assistance.
Errol was not in a good state this week. He has a lot of support from those on the streets, who look out for him, but he has again been attacked and lost his glasses so he can not see.
Tom and Duncan were at the kitchen this week. We haven’t seen Tom for awhile. His brother Paul, isn’t doing so well and has been diagnosed with sclerosis of the liver. These are ex-service men and I offered to put them in touch with an organisation set up to help them but they said they were ok on the streets.
It was good to have Ali back at the kitchen this week. Her eldest son Garry came with her. He never normally comes to the kitchen but came along this week as he is looking to move back to Gateshead to be nearer his mam. Although she is tiny Ali has a lot of respect from those on the streets. She heard about the items stolen from Phil’s car last week and as a result they are to be returned next week, hopefully.
We are concerned about the number of young girls at the kitchen. While they appear to be with partners they are very vulnerable. We also believe that a few of them are pregnant.
Michael continues to help out by tidying up and the kitchen and this is greatly appreciated when we are so few in number.
As always your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Sheila Heron