w/c 11th July 2011


A food donation was received from Birtley Bakery


A fight  broke out on the  van. It started  because of name calling.  One man got burst nose.  We separated them and, after  we’d cleaned up the  man and the van, they made up.


One of the male clients tried to steal mobile phone from one of the girls.  We stopped him and he got quite angry with us.                 



Middlesbrough -




Stockton -

Middlesbrough -




Stockton -

Middlesbrough -





Darlington -


Middlesbrough -




Darlington -


A new client  has lost his house and is on the streets because of his drinking.  His wife has  left him. We gave him a sleeping bag.


One of the girls is sleeping rough because she is scared to go back to her flat because of her mates coming around and bullying her for money.

A very quiet ,well behaved kitchen  today.   No alcohol was about!



3 new faces at today’s kitchen  which was also  very well behaved .  A good day for everyone.

Two  French clients came for the first time.  They are sleeping rough without any equipment.  We gave them

sleeping bags.


A very busy but well behaved kitchen.