Annual Meeting 2010

The Annual Meeting took the form of a business session followed by a Thanksgiving Service.


Carl Heron, Chairman,   gave a welcome.


16 people, of whom 5 are also Directors, attended the meeting,

This number comprised:  

4 individual members 

3 family members

1 organization member

2 NEHL employees

2 NEHL Volunteers

4 Representatives of the host Church


Apologies for absence  were received from Trust members


A powerpoint presentation on the work of the Trust in 2009/10 was given by the Secretary, Jean  Cansfield


The accounts were accepted with one abstention.  The meeting was reminded that copies of the accounts are available upon request and that this is stated on the membership forms. 


Appointment of Treasurer :  Moira Cansfield was accepted unanimously by the members.


Confirmation of the Independent Examiner : the meeting confirmed the appointment of Alan Chisholm unanimously.  


Appointment of Directors

William Sewell was accepted as Director for another 3 year term

The resignations of Clare Peacock and Eric Southwick as Directors were accepted and thanks were expressed for their work as members of the Board.

The resignation of Eric Southwick as Treasurer was accepted. The meeting recorded the heartfelt thanks of the Trust Members and Directors for Eric’s  astute, effective and faithful fulfillment of the role. 


In the Thanksgiving Service, Sheila Heron led in prayer and George Carlyon read from    John 6 vv 1-14.


Jim Sexton, from Centrepoint, deputizing for Margaret Dunn who was unable to attend, gave an interesting and informative talk on the work of that organization in Sunderland and of their aims for the future.  He then took questions from the floor which provided further insight into the areas of common interest to Centrepoint and NEHL